Reuse Repurpose Recycle Program

For golf clubs, driving ranges, councils and businesses taking their first step towards a more circular golf industry.

Our Reuse Repurpose Recycle program stands as a beacon for sustainable change within Australia’s golfing community.

At the heart of the program are our 3-Star Partners – golf clubs, courses and councils championing environmental responsibility in the field, while actively contributing to a paradigm shift in sustainable golf course management.

3-Star ★★★ Partners

GBR 3-Star Partners are clubs that join us in the war against landfill by:

Using GBR white bins for Reusable course balls
Using GBR green bins for Recycling and Repurposing end of life balls
Implementing a GBR supported Waste Management Plan

Waste Management Planning

A tailored Waste Management Plan helps further reduce your environmental impact through specially developed policies and procedures.

GBR carries out a thorough waste management audit, and consultation process with an expert consultant, to create a fully customised WMP that’s ready for implementation.

Ecotick Certification

 A recognisable Ecotick Certification is awarded upon completion of a WMP and follow-up audits.

The Ecotick is evidence of your commitment towards sustainable golf course practices, implementation of certified waste management processes, and positions your club as a forward-thinking entity committed to eco-friendly practices.

Take this revolutionary step towards a more circular golf industry and join the list of 3-Star ★★★ Partners driving sustainable change.